Posts Tagged: fear

Fell of Dark

I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark G.M. Hopkins (1844-89) I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day. What hours, O what black hours we have spent this night! What sights you, heart saw; ways you went!

Fell of Dark

I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark G.M. Hopkins (1844-89) I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day. What hours, O what black hours we have spent this night! What sights you, heart saw; ways you went!

EBS/EAS tests

There’s a whole community of people out there making mocked-up videos of Emergency Broadcast Tests, the system used to alert the populous to an imminent catastrophic event. Its curious how many people are attracted to imagining the end of the

EBS/EAS tests

There’s a whole community of people out there making mocked-up videos of Emergency Broadcast Tests, the system used to alert the populous to an imminent catastrophic event. Its curious how many people are attracted to imagining the end of the